双龙矿山公园位于黄陵县双龙镇双龙煤矿内,是在原煤矸石堆积如山基础上,通过生态化修复、旅游化打造而成。占地约380亩,有矸石山两座,一号矸石山建有“一苑十园一站一长廊”;二号矸石山建有“一道一区四中心”。矸石山变废为绿,变绿为景是双龙煤业利旧利废、保护生态、多业共融的创新举措。更是矿山变为公园、景区,并在全国煤炭领域发挥引领示范的重要亮点。景区以矸石山生态治理为背景,以煤炭工业文化为魂,以“生态恢复 润泽自然”为展示主线,践行煤矿工业绿色发展理念,擎画出一幅“工业+旅游”的美丽生态画卷。

Shuanglong Mine Park is located in Shuanglong Coal Mine in Shuanglong Town, Huangling County. It was constructed through ecological restoration and tourism development on the basis of the original coal gangue mountains. Covering an area of about 62 acres, it has two gangue mountains. The first gangue mountain has “one garden, ten parks, one station, and one corridor”, while the second gangue mountain has “one path, one area, and four centers.” From wastes to green mountains then to scenery, it is an innovative measure of Shuanglong Coal Industry Development Corporation that promotes the reuse of wastes, ecological protection, and multi-industry integration. It is also a highlight of the transformation of the mine into a park and scenic area, and a leading demonstration in the national coal industry.
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