
Garden of Hemerocallis Fulva
Hemerocallis fulva is a collective term for eleven categories of plants with vibrant and graceful flowers. As a traditional courtyard flower in China, Hemerocallis fulva has accumulated rich symbolic meanings throughout its long history. It represents forgetfulness for worries, auspiciousness for boys, and association with motherhood. The Garden currently cultivates the yellow daylily, a representative variety of Hemerocallis fulva and one of the traditional Chinese vegetables. Yellow daylilies have a wide adaptability and can withstand drought. They have less stringent requirements for soil and water. Their well-developed root systems help with soil retention and water conservation. Yellow daylilies are sensitive to airborne fluoride pollution, and their leaves change from green to brown, serving as a warning when the air is contaminated. They have significant medicinal value, such as improving brain function, enhancing vision, reducing serum cholesterol levels, and their high iron content is effective for blood supplementation and hemostasis.
  • 中心景观园
  • 金色油葵园
  • 清风文化与修旧利废长廊
  • 采摘樱桃园
  • 紫衣薰草园
  • 林中漫步
      Civilized behavior is appreciated. No spitting. No littering. No vandalism. No fighting. No trouble-making. No stealing.
      Protecting the environment, relics and facilities is appreciated. No breaking trees or picking flowers. No wading.
      Elderly and children must be well attended by the accompanying family members.
      No flammables. No explosives. No smoking.
      Respect queues and orders. No pushing. No making noises. Mind your step on stairs.
      Keep your belongings attended at all time.
      Follow the safety instructions. No climbing. No crossing fences. No admittance to the non-open areas.
      Follow the instructions of our staff in emergency and stay calm.
      Please dial0911-5585215 or ask any staff nearby for help.
       pen Hours: 09:00-17:00